
Click here to view/download our complaints policy.

If you have any comments, compliments or complaints regarding the service, please advise Jacqui Grime our Patient Services Manager, or a member of the reception team. Alternatively you can make an appointment with, or write to, our Practice Manager Tracy Williams.

All discussions and correspondence are treated in confidence and you should feel free to express any views you may have.

Our full complaints policy is available to view and download under the Further Information section.

The Health Service Ombudsman

The Health Service Ombudsman has published a booklet that describes the ‘six principles for remedy’ in relation to complaints handling and involves:

  1. Getting it right
  2. Being customer focused
  3. Being open and accountable
  4. Acting fairly and proportionately
  5. Putting things right
  6. Seeking continuous improvements

If you remain unhappy after everything has been done to try to resolve your concern or complaint you have the right to approach the Ombudsman.